Annual St. Pat's Special Event Preparations Saturday - March 16th

The annual Greenville Avenue St. Patrick’s festivities take place next Saturday, March 16th. This has a major impact on our neighborhood with tens of thousands of people coming into the lower Greenville area for the event itself and for the hundreds of house parties hosted by neighborhood residents. As in previous years, VPNA volunteers will be installing ‘No Parking’ signs, (generally on the north side of the neighborhood, and along cross streets) to make sure that emergency vehicles can still navigate the neighborhood and that residents can still come and go without being trapped in their homes. Please join us on March 14th at 5209 Vickery Blvd at 6pm to spread out and help place the signs on the appropriate streets! Please bring a rubber mallet or hammer if you have one! This is a great way to get involved and meet your neighbors. A few extra hands go a LONG way when it comes to this kind of work!
Although the No-Parking signs are installed on Thursday, they are not in effect until Saturday March 16th. Cars parked in violation of the No Parking plan on Saturday will be towed and/or ticketed. There is no exception for residents. Residents on streets with RPO (Resident Only Parking) must display their RPO hangtags to park on the street even though it is outside the normal RPO hours. Also remember that cars cannot be street parked to block driveways, even your own. And as always, cars must park in the correct direction in the flow of traffic and cannot be blocking sidewalks.
Parade: 11am-3:00pm, from Blackwell to SMU Blvd.
Traffic: Southbound Greenville Ave. closes at 9am; other streets close at 10am. Streets will reopen when police decide it’s safe. Officers will direct traffic at Greenville and Mockingbird, and on both sides of Central service road from Mockingbird to Blackwell.
Time: 9am-6pm on Greenville Avenue between Vanderbilt and Vickery. Streets close 7am-9pm. Street sales of alcohol end 5:30pm or earlier if DPD deems necessary. See street closures, traffic flow, and No Parking sign designation on Map.
Police: 8am-8pm: Officers at event site and conducting neighborhood patrols. 8pm-3am: Officers along Greenville north of Belmont and patrolling the neighborhood (all paid by sponsor). Additional on-duty patrol throughout day and evening.
Alcohol: No alcohol may be brought into event. Police DWI squad will patrol and arrest for DWI. Party is 21+ only—IDs will be strictly enforced.
Other: $20 entry fee (cash only), ATMs located at entry gates and inside grounds, NO Alcohol, Backpacks, Large Purses, Containers or Coolers allowed, NO Pets allowed. Port-o-lets and trashcans will be available. City Fire Inspectors will monitor maximum crowd size in the event and buildings. Code and Parking enforcement will patrol area surrounding site to cite violators. Designated Ride Share pickup points will be used.
Call 911 for police, parking and code problems. Police dispatchers will forward all calls related to St. Patrick’s Day in Lower Greenville to the police command post dedicated to the event.
• If holding a private party, please take into consideration your neighbors and surrounding citizens.
• Police, Fire and Code Enforcement will be enforcing city ordinances.
• Do not pull the event provided trash cans placed at corners into your yard for your party. Event staff places and empties these for the benefit of the whole neighborhood. The event staff will not collect the garbage if you move the receptacle.
• Consider shutting down bands or loud music early, prior to complaints being made. Noise may carry several blocks.
• If having an outdoor party, consider providing additional restroom facilities.
• Ensure your guests have safe transportation home. Driving under the influence will be strictly enforced.
• Plan your day accordingly if you need to leave the neighborhood. Greenville & Henderson Avenues will be almost impossible to navigate by car during peak hours.
• Report any suspicious activity or problem locations to 911.
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