August '24 Meeting

Date: 8/13/24

Place: Microsoft Teams & Staci's House

Call to order: 6:03

Adjourned: 7:07


  • Review Financials (Rob Irvin)
  • Future Board Meeting Locations - Michelle (October) September -
  • Block Captains - Kathryn Following up and identify which blocks we are missing
  • NNO
    • NNO Advertiser/ Donor Information sheet
    • Alchemy Face Bar NNO Question (How to get involved)
    • Sponsor List & working sheet ( on google drive)
  • Stephanie Wines Request for Halloween Block Party Bounce House (maybe ask the blow up guy if he has a connect / additional blow up to donate)
    • Kathryn motion Staci second, unanimous
  • Halloween Decoration Contest - Yes.
  • Melanie Benwell Request for Historic Sign Marker (was it answered?) - will need to double check who ordered and Charles to respond
  • LGNA City Mural Effort - Charles to respond and ask how to help, consensus is board likes
  • Vote to approve Charles moving VPNA Domains from Squarespace to something like Cloudflare. Some Cost involved to be discovered later if approved. Motion: Charles Second: Vote: Unanimous
  • Board Election (was previously early Nov - aka 2 newsletters and meetings away), need better attendance
  • Need to re-evaluate Board Event Count towards year requirements
  • Brief review of how to make a post on the website

Follow Up's:

  • Forecast Event Calendar
  • Buy Plastic Bins instead cardboard ($8 at costco)
  • Shane $70 for Block Captains Sheets


  • Jason
  • Mikey
  • Kathryn
  • Staci
  • Michelle
  • Michelle
  • Rebecca
  • Rob
  • Megan
  • Charles


Action Items:

  • NNO items
  • Staci to find a September happy hour
  • Charles to do a September printed newsletter
  • Charles to reach out to Duro for a NNO giftcard basket for restaurants
  • Board to work on individual articles for newsletter AND a social media post
  • Need an election venue