Forward Dallas Update - Next Meeting June 20th
The commissioners voted unanimously against multiplex housing as a Primary use in the Community Residential place type and instead made it a Secondary use. Multiplexes are defined as multi-family residences with less than nine units.

The City Planning Commission (CPC) held a public hearing on ForwardDallas on Monday, June 17, 2024.
The commissioners voted unanimously against multiplex housing as a Primary use in the Community Residential place type and instead made it a Secondary use. Multiplexes are defined as multi-family residences with less than nine units.
The motion to drop multiplexes as a Primary use also proposed introducing residential design standards into the development code and strengthening the Neighborhood Stabilization Overlay ordinance to address topics like height, roof design, garage placement, lot coverage, impervious surfaces, and setbacks.
As a reminder, the CPC will be holding the next briefing and public hearing on ForwardDallas on June 20th - both virtually and live at City Hall. ForwardDallas discussions will take place no earlier than 6:00pm.
What: CPC Briefing & Public Hearing on ForwardDallas Land Use Plan
When: Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 9am (ForwardDallas item - no earlier than 6pm)
Meeting Website
Council Chambers, 6th Floor
Dallas City Hall
1500 Marilla St.
Dallas, TX 75212
The ForwardDallas land use plan document is now expected to be presented to the City Council sometime in the Fall of 2024.
As a reminder, you may find information on the current proposed land use plan at the links below:
ForwardDallas Website
Draft Land Use Plan
PlaceType Map
Thanks to our neighbors at LGNA for compiling the above information
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