Holiday Coat Drive Do you have clean coats that you no longer use? Consider donating them to the Lakewood Library to help those in need stay warm this winter.
December Neighborhood Newsletter Last newsletter of 2024! Thank you for your involvement. We've had a great year and can’t wait to continue building our community in 2025. Share feedback and get involved by subscribing to the newsletter at Wishing you a happy and safe holiday season!
December Pet of the Month - Ripley Ripley is a 4.5-year-old Vizsla that lives on Miller Avenue. She knows most folks that walk along the street because she is always likes to say hi and request some scratches. Ripley loves Vickery Place and is always interested in making new friends!
November 2024 - Yard Of The Month We are excited to award Michael and his family the honor of winning November 2024’s Vickery Place Yard of the Month. We are grateful to Northaven Gardens for their sponsorship and providing our winner with a $50 gift card. Congratulations to Michael, Camilla, and Rocco!
November Neighborhood Newsletter Get ready for a jam-packed edition of our neighborhood newsletter, filled with all the news, events, and festive cheer to keep your fall season lively!
November Pet of the Month - Moose This month's VPNA Pet of the Month is Moose! Moose will be receiving a generous gift basket custom curated just for them from our neighbor Dr. Benjamin Wright & his team at Lakewood Vet Center. Moose is a one and a half year old Husky Mix, please greet him when you see him, it will make his day!
Thanksgiving Bags for Geneva Heights Elementary / J.L. Long Middle School Families Interested in donating / making a bag? Reach out to us at [email protected] for information on where to drop off your completed Thanksgiving Bag. Donations are due by November 20th.
November General Board Meeting and Election - Pizzeria Testa 11/11 @ 6PM Join us at Pizzeria Testa on November 11th at 6PM for some light bites, neighborhood socialization, and to vote on the new 2025 VPNA Board slate. The event is kid friendly and all neighbors are encouraged to attend!
Forward Dallas Update from Paul Ridley There has been an update from City Council Representative Paul Ridley about Forward Dallas. According to Paul we will have some protection with Vickery Place, which is a single-family neighborhood and Conservation District 14, which is excellent news.
October Pet of the Month - Donut This month's VPNA Pet of the Month is Donut! Donut will be receiving a generous gift basket custom curated just for them from our neighbor Dr. Benjamin Wright & his team at Lakewood Vet Center. Donut is a chocolate brown standard sized Goldendoodle and is expected to get up to 70 pounds!
October General Meeting - 10/24/24 6PM @ Smithy on Henderson Reminder! Our October General Meeting is on October 24th starting at 6pm! Thank you to Smithy on Henderson for hosting us! Light bites to be provided but we always encourage you to grab a meal or a drink to thank these local restaurants for hosting us!